4 Easy Steps On How To Book Our Service Using The Sentuh App

Published by sentuh on

Take a look at this step by step guide on how to book for our service using the Sentuh App 📲

Step 1 : Download/Install the Sentuh App

Ensure to download the correct Sentuh App via the Google Playstore (for Android user) or the App Store (for iOS user)

Step 2 : Login

To find the login button, find and tap on the 3 lines on the upper left side of the app

Step 3 : Logging in using your mobile phone number

Logging in is easy! Just use your active mobile phone number as an OTP code will be sent via SMS to the number you have entered. No more passwords or forgetting your passwords. Whenever you need to login again, an OTP code will be sent out to you

Step 4 : Fill in your details in the “Profile” & “Address” section

One of the most crucial parts! Ensure that you fill in your details here. Name, full address & gender is a must as our app will match with the therapists based on the details you provided. You may also add more than one address in case you are on another different location. Just ensure that when you book, you have chose the correct address for us to come over 🤗

After completing these 4 simple steps, you can now start your wellness journey with us! 😍

Extra Notes :

✅ At the moment, the date-time shown in the app is at least 24 hours ahead. Which means, if you would like to book on the same day in the app, for the moment our app is not available to cater for same day booking. This feature might be available soon in the future! 😉

✅ To book for another person, just tick the box that says “I’m booking for someone else”. A window will pop-up for you to fill in the person’s details such as their name & gender. Also, ensure to choose the right address


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